
The choice of materials, the attention to detail, and their particular aesthetic taste, are what make the instruments by Seasons of such high quality. The use of local woods is a fact that should not be underestimated, with careful selection and scrutiny, even considering natural factors, such as the incidence of lunar phases on processing.The skins, which represent the voice of the drum, are also locally sourced and are again carefully selected. Stainless steel of the highest quality is used for the mechanical parts, resistant to weather and to the tension of the skins. The first time I played them, I had a marvelous tactile experience, with the sensation of caressing something special, that was singing ancient melodies.

When passion meets talent.
When experience and knowledge of materials are combined with passion and love, great things always blossom. Hidde Heydendael is not only a musician and lover of Jazz and Latin Jazz, Soul, Funk and electronic music, he is also a great connoisseur of all the new underground music trends of this planet. I have admired Hidde ever since we first met. He immediately aroused my interest because he is a refined designer who works with extreme knowledge and respect for the materials with which he creates musical instruments that I can confirm with extreme certainty, “verge on” perfection …only because my teachers have philosophically transmitted to me the concept that “perfection” does not exist …
Seasons Percussion, instruments of the highest quality. Playing them gives me great pleasure.They have great attack and response to the touch, very stimulating and creative.
Their sound fills your soul …..
To Hidde, a truly special person.

Pistoia had anticipated a periodic initiative, (mostra circondariale) in the early 1900s, the last edition was held in 1925 and collected all the artisanal activities of the province. I, or rather the Luigi Tronci foundation re-proposed a similar sort of exhibition at the beginning of the twenty-first century, focused on percussion instruments and it was on this occasion that I met EDE (Hidde) a skilled craftsman of Latin American percussion instruments.
Instruments for both soloists and orchestra, which require excellent preparation and knowledge in woodworking and acoustics.
In addition, true artistic craftsmanship must be demonstrated as the maker has to design and make special machines that are not available on the market and this represents added value.
EDE (Hidde) is a true ARTISAN and the musicians he collaborates with are real professionals in the percussion sector.
Personally, I am very pleased to have this opportunity for mutual collaboration and hope that it will be consolidated over time. That this synergy will begin an era of new development in this important sector.